How can we assist smart cities support smart citizens? 10 experts share their ideas

How can we assist smart cities support smart citizens? 10 experts share their ideas

Smart cities are THE two words on the radar of every planner, policy maker, designer, urban strategist, digital specialist, builder, owner, operator and investor! I asked a handful of leading industry voices in the cities space the following question: There is a justifiable focus on Smart Cities at present. Smart cities ought to support smart citizens – how might we assist that?   Read on for their responses. 

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Excited to be announced as Chair of Smart Cities Research Institute board

Excited to be announced as Chair of Smart Cities Research Institute board

I am thrilled to be appointed to chair the Advisory Board of Swinburne University’s Smart Cities Research Institute. The Institute aims to tackle challenges facing cities by collaborating actively with industry, business and...

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‘A smart city should be ….’ - do we REALLY understand what a smart city is?

‘A smart city should be ….’ -  do we REALLY understand what a smart city is?

Many people are talking about smart cities. There is a lot of commitment to the idea, a lot of investment in the concept and a lot of effort being put in by people, governments, corporations and educational institutions around the world to develop approaches to smart cities.

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