Discussing national priorities with our nations' leaders

Recently, in my role as Chair of the Advisory Board of the Swinburne Smart Cities Research Institute, I had the privilege of being part of a very lively and informative session with The Hon Josh Frydenberg and The Hon Angus Taylor. 

The session was held to provide a brief on the Institute, which is one of five key institutes that have been launched at Swinburne University of Technology over the past 12 months.

With cities and digital transformation being such a high priority for governments, policy makers and planners across the globe, having the opportunity to discuss national priorities relating to these key areas with two key ministers is vital.

The Smart Cities Research Institute will focus on the grand urban challenges facing Australia and the world, on reducing congestion, improving economic productivity, reducing our current dependency on fossil fuels and improving human health and mobility.

I hope this will be one of many discussions with leaders and future leaders of our nation, as we all play our role in leading urban design decisions that will benefit our communities.